
Here you will find a record of all things fiction and the thoughts generated through clear lenses. All posts older than 12/16/2013 are works of thirst-quenching fiction you should explore freely, while everything onwards becomes what has struck the bell in my brain and turned into words. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

100-sum Things That 20-sums Should Know

100-sum Things That 20-sums Should Know and Do

I find that these kinds of lists have presented themselves to me before, but they're either written by someone with an over affinity for personal hedonism, or someone who's too idealistic and specific about what each individual should be able to achieve.

This is a balanced list of things to pay attention to now, applicable to anyone. Some of it may seem painfully obvious, though it's often forgotten. Other items may seem uncommon but have value beyond what you know. If you're having troubles in life, outside of crippling debt, then it is probably because something on this list is being ignored. Please, read through and find what you need or need more of.


1. If you think you should do it, do it now.

2. If you feel you shouldn't do it, end it now.

3. Eat more fruit, not just fruit flavors.

4. Love like it's a verb.

5. Listen to what others have to say. It's called "communication" and seems to be a dying art.

6. Don't stress. It is absolutely stunning how many people fret over issues of no real matter, then let the biggest problems in their lives continue without action.

7. Wherever you live, make it your home.

8. Make a difference, if only a small one. A good one, preferably.

9. Don't be the best, just try to be better.

10. Put down your phone. You must relearn to be yourself apart from accessories and attachments.

11. Even if you love music, pick somedays to leave the headphones at home. Music is like a mental current, let it sweep you away when you need it but don't lose yourself in the flow.

12. Walk. Often and for long distances. Preferably where there is a tree or two or a thousand.

13. Look at the lives of others to give a sense of scale and perception, not a judgment of comparison.

14. Find out how to be comfortable in your own skin, and in silence. Try being naked more often (you know, where comfortable to do so).

15. But seriously, shut off your damn phone. It is giving you a new form of ADD. Being in constant connection hasn't really made relationships/friendships stronger, just significantly more dependent.

16. Learning exceptional control of your hormones will always benefit you.

17. Pay extra attention to children. You will learn something from them you can't learn yourself.

18. Don't buy superfluous brand-based products.

19. Bring back a degree of chivalry to your life. Stand up for yourself and for others.

20. Exercise regularly. No matter how little the amount, it is better to consistently have a small routine than to go all out only sometimes.

21. Make sure to make it to another continent before you're 25. If you're already past the mark, get there this year. Have lots of good experiences and a few bad ones and learn from both. You won't look back.

22. Learning to dance will always be a good idea.

23. Learning an instrument will always be a good idea.

24. Learning another language will always be a good idea. Even if you were to never use it, that learning process trains your brain to think in new ways.

25. Find a way to create: paint, draw, sing, or become an awesome storyteller. No matter how queer, raunchy, or poorly crafted your creation may be, you're better for having it as an expression of yourself.

26. Common sense isn't as common as one may think. Create your own method of it and make it common to you. Be aware of your own actions from an external perspective.

27. Be weird. People remember you as someone more confident than others, stand out in those memories.

28. More than sex, learn to make love. And don't forget the most important word--reciprocation.

29. Treat strangers with kindness, not because of the golden rule, but because it's a decent thing to do for anyone.

30. As technology becomes a more necessary and invasive factor in life, always take the opportunity to do something in person if possible.

31. Move away from your hometown, if only for a while, then you'll know new growth. The farther you move, the harder it will be, and the stronger you'll become.

32. Listen to a lot of music, and by music I mean nothing that will make the Top40. Find the gems out there.

33. Stop smoking. If you don't smoke, don't start.

34. Getting high gets old. If you don't think so, then you are quickly running out of ideas for things to do, and you'll get old too.

35. Whip cream is not a food group, don't indulge it like it was one (that goes for any comfort food, and double for you, Nutella). Know what you put in your body.

36. Eat out only as often as you would cook for yourself, and do your best to avoid middling between the two with ramen-and-egg-mac-'n'-cheese three times a week.

37. Stop watching TV. Go forth and make your own adventure, without the drama.

38. Always value friendship, the true friendships, for they are few and shall be fewer still. Try as hard as you can not to pass on the opportunity to spend time with someone. A slight inconvenience for you can mean to world to someone else.

39. Money is a tool, use it well, but don't spend all your time worrying about how many tools are in your toolbox.

40. Be polite. Be courteous. Be more than formal. No one hates someone who is genuinely cordial.

41. Try not to see 4am very often without good reason.

42. Instead of looking for the meaning of life, make your own life meaningful. Actions over thoughts.

43. As hard as it may be, stop playing video games. Live in reality. If you can't stop, do more to regulate the time in other worlds and be inspired by the one you actually live in.

44. If you find this world uninspiring, study people of history, science, and spend more time outdoors. If that doesn't work, go back to your TV/video games and don't burden others with your nascent eternal boredom.

45. Smile.

46. Be there for others.

47. Drink micro-brews as much as is possible. Know your wines.

48. Climb mountains, figuratively and literally.

49. You may not need to meditate, but find the time, even if only for a few minutes a day, to silence the phone, part with the screen, turn the music off and sit down. Tea is acceptable, but nothing else. If you can't collect yourself for a few minutes a day without distraction, you're moving too fast but won't be going anywhere mindful.

50. Read.

51. Read more. All smart people read. Not all people who read are smart, but all people who are smart read.

52. Try to get to the beach, don't stray from the waves for too long, it gives you a sense of scope and depth.

53. Spend time appreciating animals (outside of captioned memes on the internet).

54. Learn to cook, it's not hard. You'll never regret making things delicious.

55. Practice something daily. You will always find ways to improve.

56. Experience real and open communication. It's surprisingly rater to find someone that no subject is off limits to, and when you do, stay connected.

57. Pay attention to news and politics. Even if it doesn't interest you, it's better to know the world outside your own and engage it.

58. Have a lot of pleasure in your life, without the sexual variety being scary or off-limits.. Don't let society, rules, and suggested taboos control you--otherwise that society will be the only thing screwing you. Loving yourself is equally important. After that, it's about trust.

59. The second cheapest wine is good enough.

60. One night stands are only to vent stress or prove a false sense of value, making lasting connections are always worth more, because rarely will fooling on the first night, with little resonance after, ever turn into something happy--and that will only be if you are selfish.

61. There is a difference between giving up, and knowing when to quit.

62. Drink often in smaller amounts, not periodically in over-consumption.

63. Being sad for more than 20 minutes at a time is a waste of time. Move forward.

64. Take vacations for as long as possible. Don't just stay somewhere, but inhabit that place.

65. Regretting regrets is just another regret.

66. Tipsy is a mystical state where ideas come more easily and conversation flows more freely; mad drunk is a waste of money, life, and liver.

67. Look at the sky more often. Dang, man, but those clouds though.

68. Continue to question like a child and you may never have to lose a sense of wonder.

69. Be kinky, as long as it is someone you trust and care for, who can communicate with you freely, it's only going to make things more interesting. Don't forget to laugh.

70. Please sing--it's not about being good, it's about having your own voice.

71. Don't be afraid of tears.

72. Use moderation in moderation.

73. Take risks. Gamble on good bets cautiously (though not in casinos).

74. Write. Write. Write. Write. Write.

75. Find a symbol; be it an animal, a character, or a precious item, give it a place in your life and make sure others know it.

76. Engage your nostalgia, and use it as a measure of how far you've come.

77. Be sure to vote. You don't get the right to bitch about anything happening above you if you don't exercise the one ability you have to change it.

78. Being absolutely immature at times is totally acceptable, so long as you don't forget how to get back to being conscious beyond it.

79. Happiness is not a goal in and of itself, it is the base that you need to launch into doing other things of real progressive product.

80. Do not lie. Ever. Even if you get away with it, you are not better for it.

81. Good dental hygiene will do more for you now than you know. It's time to floss.

82. Go out at night and look at the stars until you're bored of them, then keep looking until you're interested again.

83. Don't wait, ask now.

84. Stop trying to live life at room temperature. Feel the crush of failure and fuel the revelry of success.

85. Fantasy has its place. Visit often, but don't buy a time share there.

86. Be good to all of your organs.

87. Don't change the world. Be the big change on a smaller level, personally with others and in your communities.

88. Stop deceiving yourself because it's easier.

89. Think. Be constantly conscious of everything. E-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g.

90. Be unstoppably, uncomfortably curious.

91. You are already all that you need.

92. Find the ability to have a serious moment with twelve people, and a party with only two.

93. Dream. Then find the next step towards making that dream part of reality.

94. Respect nature.

95. A few deep breaths can go a long, long way.

96. Use your imagination, it is all that makes you different from trees.

97. Love each other fiercely.

98. Read this list one more time, knowing it's a lot at once, and pick a few things from it to focus on most.

99. Repeat steps 1-99.

100. Grow up, grow wise, grow strong, without growing complacent.

101. Always be you.

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